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首页 > 供应产品 > 群狼调研(湖南物业满意度调查)图书馆满意度调查内容
产品: 浏览次数:9群狼调研(湖南物业满意度调查)图书馆满意度调查内容 
品牌: 群狼调研
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-06-12 10:46


1. 图书馆设施和环境:

• 图书馆的整体布局、舒适度和安静程度。

• 图书馆的设施设备,如座位、桌子、电脑、打印机等。

• 图书馆的空调、照明、卫生等环境条件。

2. 图书馆服务:

• 图书馆员的专业素质和服务态度。

• 借阅流程的便利性和效率。

• 对图书馆藏书的咨询和帮助。

• 提供的电子资源和在线服务的质量。

3. 馆藏资源:

• 图书馆的图书、期刊、报纸等纸质资源的充实程度和更新频率。

• 电子资源的种类、数量和质量。

• 图书馆是否提供其他媒体资源,如音频、视频、数据库等。


The content of a library satisfaction survey

The content of a library satisfaction survey typically includes the following aspects:

1. Library facilities and environment:

• Overall layout, comfort, and quietness of the library.

• Facilities such as seating, tables, computers, printers, etc.

• Environmental conditions such as air conditioning, lighting, cleanliness, etc.

2. Library services:

• Professionalism and attitude of library staff.

• Convenience and efficiency of the borrowing process.

• Assistance and guidance on library resources.

• Quality of electronic resources and online services provided.

3. Collection resources:

• Adequacy and frequency of updates of physical resources such as books, journals, newspapers, etc.

• Variety, quantity, and quality of electronic resources.

• Availability of other media resources such as audio, video, databases, etc.

4. Library activities and training:

• Various activities organized by the library, such as lectures, exhibitions, book clubs, etc.

• Training courses and workshops provided.

5. Information retrieval and library website:

• Usability and effectiveness of the library's information retrieval systems and tools.

• Satisfaction with the layout, content, and functionality of the library website.

6. Suggestions and improvement opinions:

• Users' suggestions and opinions on how the library can improve.

The design of survey content should be customized based on the specific characteristics of the library and user needs. By collecting user feedback and opinions, the library can gain insights into user satisfaction and needs, providing guidance and direction for improving service quality and user experience.For more detailed information, you can consult Shen Zhen Shangshufang Information Consulting. Shen Zhen Shangshufang Information Consulting is a professional satisfaction survey company with 15 years of experience. They have provided professional customer satisfaction research services to various clients, including government public services,hospitals, real estate, property management, automotive, exhibitions, fast-moving consumer goods, suppliers, and more.
