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首页 > 供应产品 > 群狼调研(长沙餐饮业神秘顾客)开展餐饮神秘顾客调查
产品: 浏览次数:24群狼调研(长沙餐饮业神秘顾客)开展餐饮神秘顾客调查 
品牌: 群狼调研
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-07-04 10:25


1. 确定调查目标:明确餐饮神秘顾客调查的目标和目的,例如评估服务质量、餐厅环境、员工表现等。

2. 设计调查指标:制定一套评估指标和标准,用于评估餐厅的各个方面。这些指标可以包括服务态度、食物质量、清洁卫生、效率等。

3. 招募神秘顾客:选择符合目标顾客群体的神秘顾客,并确保他们具备细致观察、客观评价和保密能力。

4. 编写调查任务:为神秘顾客编写详细的调查任务,包括到访时间、点餐要求、服务要求等,确保顾客能够全面体验餐厅服务。

5. 进行神秘访问:神秘顾客匿名访问餐厅,按照指定任务进行点餐、用餐和与员工互动。期间记录观察结果和评价。

6. 收集数据:神秘顾客完成访问后,整理和记录他们的观察和评价,包括服务质量、食物口感、餐厅氛围等方面的数据。

7. 数据分析:对收集到的数据进行分析和解读,识别餐厅的优势和改进点,并提出具体的改进建议。

8. 编写报告:编写一份综合报告,总结调查结果,包括顾客的评价、优势和不足之处,以及改进的建议和行动计划。

9. 分享结果:与餐厅管理层分享调查结果和报告,提供详细的反馈,并与他们讨论改进措施和实施计划。

10. 跟进和持续改进:监督改进措施的实施,并定期进行跟进评估,以确保改进措施的有效性和持续改善。


The process of conducting mystery customer surveys in the catering industry

The process of conducting mystery customer surveys in the catering industry is as follows:

1. Determine the survey objectives: Clearly define the goals and purposes of the mystery customer survey in the catering industry, such as evaluating service quality, restaurant ambiance, staff performance, etc.

2. Design survey indicators: Develop a set of evaluation indicators and criteria to assess various aspects of the restaurant. These indicators may include service attitude, food quality, cleanliness, efficiency, etc.

3. Recruit mystery customers: Select mystery customers who fit the target customer demographic and ensure they possess keen observation skills, objective judgment, and the ability to maintain confidentiality.

4. Prepare survey tasks: Create detailed survey tasks for the mystery customers, including the visiting time, ordering requirements, service expectations, etc., to ensure they can fully experience the restaurant's service.

5. Conduct mystery visits: The mystery customers visit the restaurant anonymously and perform the assigned tasks, such as ordering, dining, and interacting with staff members. They should record their observations and evaluations during the visit.

6. Collect data: After the mystery visits, compile and record the observations and evaluations of the mystery customers, including service quality, food taste, restaurant ambiance, and other relevant aspects.

7. Data analysis: Analyze and interpret the collected data, identify the restaurant's strengths and areas for improvement, and provide specific recommendations for enhancements.

8. Report writing: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the survey findings, including customer evaluations, strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement with actionable plans.

9. Share the results: Share the survey findings and report with the restaurant management team, provide detailed feedback, and engage in discussions regarding improvement measures and implementation plans.

10. Follow-up and continuous improvement: Monitor the implementation of improvement measures and conduct regular follow-up assessments to ensure their effectiveness and continuous enhancement.

Please note that the translation provided may require review and adaptation based on the specific context and requirements of the catering industry.Please note that specific methods and steps may vary depending on the specific requirements of the restaurant and the objectives of the survey. For more detailed information, you can consult Shenzhen Secret Shopper Market Research. Shenzhen Secret Shopper Market Research (SMS) Co., Ltd. is a professional company specializing in mystery shopper services. Their services cover the entire country and even the Southeast Asian region, and they are involved in various industries, including fast-moving consumer goods, chain restaurants, automotive and home appliances, public affairs, real estate and property, hotel and tourism, finance and communications, healthcare, and more.
